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Hidden Harmony

UCSC undergraduate project - external collaborator

Role: Character animator

Team Size: 10-15 people

After updating my portfolio and going through a short interview, I joined as an animator. The rigging was already done so I mostly spent my time coming up with ideas to give each of the characters their own personalities.
The tricky thing about this project is that the characters wouldn't be walking or jumping around. So one idea we came with is creating small moments in where they would stretch or dance around. It definitly made a difference, especially seeing Orcastra doing something magical. I won't say what it is but when you see it, you'll know it.
There is one animation that is special to me. I was working on a few animations for Subwoofer around the time my dog died, a small but buff chihuahua. So I made Subwoofer's dance in his honor. After presenting the game at the Sammy Showcase, the game wound up winning the audio award. It was pretty exciting and we celebrated over some pizza.
Hidden Harmony at the UCSC showcase
When the next school year rolled around, the Hidden Harmony members and the team behind the party game Squish were invited by the professors to talk to the next year of seniors for their capstone games. It was a somewhat strange feeling talking to seniors and juniors about my experience for a project I worked on as a freshman, but I think they got a few good things out of what I had to say.
It's been around three years since then, with myself being the last of the Hidden Harmony team members to finally graduate.
From start to finish, it had been an absolute delight working on this team and it has given me a very good idea on what it's like working on a successful team. Both in terms of what we accomplished and in terms of the good memories we made together along the way.
- Mirs (written June, 2023)